Abix specializes in the rental, sale and design of radio communication systems, monitoring by security cameras (CCTV) and wireless data transmission. We aim to collaborate with the growth of our country always working with ethics, responsibility and quality including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and CEPEL certifications for rental services, installation, maintenance and projects of radiocommunication systems (data / voice) and video monitoring systems.
From its units in Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Alagoas and the Federal District, Abix Tecnologia serves customers located throughout the national territory, as it has a highly qualified technical staff modern facilities and an exclusive software (developed “IN HOUSE”), all collaborating for the best quality in the service to your company.
In the area of radio communicators Abix works only with transceivers acquired through the official channels of Motorola in Brazil and can make the rental of radios with or without license of use of Anatel having been the first Motorola premium reseller authorized by Motorola to make the rental of radiocommunicators already enabled, that is, for the use, you do not need to enter the approval process of technical design of bi-directional radios at Anatel, and, if your company already has a license, we lease the equipment already programmed in your frequency.
Abix also does technical design for your company in front of Anatel, coverage studies, conventional systems projects and trunking, sale and rental of the entire line of Motorola Professional radio communicators and accessories. Abix Tecnologia got the highest score among radio resellers in Motorola’s evaluation in 2006 and, in the following years the result was even better, the maximum score in the evaluation of 2007 and 2008.

Satisfy the expectations of our customers in the use of voice, data and image radio technologies always committed to quality, safety, respect for the environment and profitability.

To be among the best companies in the rental and installation market of radiocommunication, voice, data and image technology, being nationally recognized.

• Transparency in customer relations;
• Environmental awareness;
• Excellence in service;
• Quality of services;
• Compliance with contractual deadlines;
• Encourage employee creativity.
•Innovation; Diversity; Quality.

Company Policy
• Satisfy the expectations of its customers;
• Promote the continuous improvement of Quality, Environment, Health and Safety;
• Training of employees;
• Comply with current legislation and applicable requirements;
• Prevent pollution and protect the environment;
• Control the environmental impacts and occupational risks of its activity;
• Act in the prevention of injuries and diseases and in the protection of people;
• Maintain an open communication channel with employees, customers and the community.